Espiro Miloo 3in1 (pushchair + carrycot + Maxi Cosi Cabrio I-Size car seat) 2024 FREE SHIPPING

€1145  €1097
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  • Manufactured by: Espiro
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  • Model:  id38776

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Delivery time 1-3 weeks. Ask for details.

In Price:
gondola elevating adapters
seat pad
sleeping bag-cover
cup holder
a set of raincovers for the gondola and stroller
a set of mosquito nets for the gondola and stroller
Maxi Cosi Cabrio I-Size car seat

To mount the Maxi Cosi Cabrio car seat on the stroller frame, you need to buy an adapter

Wspólna podróż rodzicielska jest pełna wyjątkowych chwil i niespodziewanych przygód.
Wystarczy spojrzeć na dzień z perspektywy dziecka, aby zobaczyć, że nawet zwykłe czynności mogą stać się ekscytującymi odkryciami.
Wystarczy chwila skupienia, aby zrozumieć, że najpiękniejsze momenty są ukryte w najprostszych gestach i wspólnych doświadczeniach.
Dziecko widzi świat z nieskażonym okiem, pełnym ciekawości i fascynacji.
Dla niego zwykły spacer po parku może być wyprawą w nieznane, a zabawa w domu staje się pełną magii opowieścią.
To w tych drobnych, codziennych chwilach tkwi potencjał do tworzenia wyjątkowych wspomnień, które będą cenne przez całe życie.
Wspólne odkrywanie świata wraz z dzieckiem staje się wspaniałą podróżą po nowych miejscach i emocjach.
To chwile, kiedy możemy zatrzymać się i naprawdę zobaczyć piękno otaczającego nas świata, przez oczy dziecka.
Każdy dzień staje się okazją do nauki, eksploracji i doświadczania nowych rzeczy.
Rytuały i tradycje rodzinne dodają głębi i znaczenia naszym wspólnym przeżyciom.
To one kształtują naszą tożsamość rodziną, budując więzi i wspomnienia, które będą trwać przez pokolenia.
Od wspólnych posiłków, przez rodzinne spacery, po wieczorne czytanie książek - to te chwile tworzą szkielet naszej rodziny i stanowią fundament dla więzi, które nas łączą.
Kreatywność i wyobraźnia są kluczowe w budowaniu wyjątkowych chwil z dzieckiem.
Poprzez wspólne rysowanie, malowanie, konstruowanie i improwizowanie uczymy się otwierać na nowe pomysły i perspektywy.
To w tych chwilach wspólnego tworzenia dziecko rozwija swoje umiejętności artystyczne i uczy się wyrażać siebie w sposób autentyczny i kreatywny.
Wartościowe chwile spędzone z dzieckiem są jak skarby, które zbieramy w naszym sercu.
To one dodają koloru i znaczenia naszemu życiu, niosąc ze sobą radość, miłość i wzruszenie.
Dlatego warto pielęgnować każdą z tych chwil, dbając o nie i czerpiąc z nich pełnymi garściami, bo to one tworzą tkankę naszego wspólnego życia.

Meet Miloo - a premium stroller that embodies elegance, distinctive design, and exceptional functionality.
It represents an avant-garde classic, showcasing the possibility of crafting a universal, compact stroller that will revolutionize the market.
The exclusivity of this collection has captivated everyone, leaving no one indifferent.

Created by Polish designers, engineers, and constructors, Miloo stands as a masterpiece of applied art where design holds equal importance to functionality. Its rich features go beyond mere additions, embodying a thoughtful integration of form and function.
What sets Miloo apart from other strollers are its unique aspects, which not only serve a practical purpose but also convey a distinctive message and narrative about the essence of parenthood.

Miloo is a portal to a new, parental reality. Life is an art of choice.
When choosing Miloo, we focus on what is most important in life and art: above-average, extraordinary, phenomenal experiences.

Extremely lightweight frame. Ultralight, compact, weighing just 7.4, the design creates an inseparable whole with the Miloo stroller. Just as the frame surrounds the artwork, the stroller's design makes the whole thing unique

Innovative folding system. Proves that classic elegance can dialogue with modernity. Perfectly dampens the vibrations that naturally occur during handling. This makes carrying the frame definitely more comfortable.

Additional carrycot vibration stabilizer. A unique addition that highlights the excellence of the latest model. A symbol of Miloo's refinement to the smallest detail and a guarantee of complete travel luxury.

Triple ventilation. Guaranteeing the comfort that lovers of fine art seek.

Chic and functional, that is, the ergonomic and intuitive system of safe removal of the carrycot from the structure.

Additions, sparkles, satin locks are the disjancer elements that complete the beauty of the stroller and determine its uniqueness.

The widening of the canopy is an unusual dialogue between practical solutions and design, which is what young parents focus on.

Elegant models require chic in every detail. High-quality mosquito net is a guarantee of baby's comfort and the creation of perfection in every detail.

Exceptionally soft liner. The ideal solution that characterizes luxury models.

Modern system of adjusting the height of the booth. The answer to the needs of those who appreciate the luxury of remarkable solutions.

Magnetic buckle. Functionality dressed in style.

Belt protectors with special protection against slipping. Synonymous with safety and complete comfort

Double-sided seat. A solution that will make every journey more complete.

Miloo is applied art at its finest, thanks to the design of an exceptionally long seat - 97 cm.

An expandable seat that provides a journey full of comfort and design.

Elegant models require chic in every detail. A high-quality mosquito net for the pushchair is a guarantee of the child's comfort and the creation of perfection in every detail.

There are accessories that stand out for their quality. Such is the rain film, which perfectly protects the entire pushchair from rain. The quick access element makes it even more desirable.

An elegant bag completes the whole, being an artistic dot over the "i".

Set of bags, outer elegant, inner functional with waterproof zipper

The ultralight frame, weighing just 7.4 kg, is made with the precision characteristic of timeless solutions.


A timeless classic, the telescoping handle made of the best quality materials, adds miloo chic, and timeless elegance.

A stroller that you can carry like an elegant handbag, that is, functionalism in an artistic way.

A dual-purpose basket that will meet the most sophisticated expectations.

Attention to details that combine design and pragmatism, such as an automatic locking mechanism that prevents a folded design from unfolding on its own.

Additions with character that highlight the artistry of miloo. They make every trip more beautiful and even more unique. Thanks to the excellent cushioning, there is no question of the inconvenience of a ride.

A tire with a tread that provides comfortable travel and the joy of experiencing life as the most beautiful of arts.

We care about the aesthetics and functionality of every element that makes up our products. The smart brake, designed so as not to damage footwear during its use, is a hit with all those who appreciate elegance in every way.

Miloo stroller with extra paid adapters for 0+ car seats, pictured with espiro Pi car seat

Maxi Cosi Cabriofix i-size
i-Size safety is essential for newborns, providing them with maximum protection when traveling by car.

Compliance with the i-Size safety standard
The i-Size standard is a guarantee of meeting the highest safety parameters in Europe, so you can always rest assured about the safety and comfort of your child.

Weight only 3.2 kg
The CabrioFix i-Size car seat weighs only 3.2 kg, which is similar to the weight of a newborn, making it extremely easy to move it from home to the car and back.

Flexible travel system
Choosing between driving or walking? Now it's up to you to decide.
The CabrioFix i-Size baby car seat gives you complete freedom because it fits perfectly into most strollers.
Additionally, convenient release buttons with a memory function make it easy to use, ensuring exceptional comfort for you and your baby, no matter where you go.

Large protective visor
The large sun canopy of the stroller provides effective protection against weather conditions and creates pleasant conditions for your child's peaceful sleep.
Thanks to it, even on the sunniest days or in the rain, the toddler can enjoy a comfortable and safe environment during walks, providing parents with peace of mind and confidence that their child is properly protected and comfortable.

The CabrioFix i-Size seat is the perfect choice for your child's first car trip.
For Maxi-Cosi, safety is a priority - over 50 million newborns have been transported from hospital to home in our seats.
The comfortable and light CabrioFix i-Size seat meets the highest safety standards, and its installation in the car is even easier thanks to the CabrioFix i-Size base with the ISOFIX system.
Just plug it in and it's ready! The i-Size standard ensures that we meet the highest European safety standards, so you can be sure that your child travels in complete safety and comfort.

Ease of use
The CabrioFix i-Size infant car seat is extremely light, weighing only 3.2 kg, which is close to the weight of an average newborn.
This makes carrying it from home to the car and back extremely easy and convenient.
It is also extremely easy to attach, especially if the car has the CabrioFix i-Size base with the ISOFIX system - click installation makes the whole thing ready to drive in a short time! Even if your car does not have an ISOFIX system, no problem - the CabrioFix i-Size seat can also be attached with just the seat belt, ensuring a safe journey for your little one.

Age range
With the CabrioFix i-Size infant car seat, quick trips to the store or visiting your loved ones become easier than ever before!
CabrioFix i-Size can be easily combined with the Maxi-Cosi stroller, creating a flexible travel system from the first days of your baby's life.
Thanks to convenient buttons with a memory function, you can remove the CabrioFix i-Size seat from the stroller frame with one hand, ensuring a quick change of means of transport for your little one!
The CabrioFix seat fits most of our Maxi-Cosi strollers, making creating a flexible travel system easy and convenient.
To make sure that all the elements of the flexible travel system will fit together, we encourage you to read the list of compatible strollers!
Thanks to this, you can be sure that you are traveling with a complete and safe set for your child.

Comfortable functions
The CabrioFix i-Size car seat not only ensures a safe journey for your child, but also ensures its comfort.
The i-Size padded seat includes a special insert for newborns, which increases comfort and ensures that the headrest always perfectly hugs the baby's head, providing adequate support during travel.
In addition, the large sun canopy protects the baby from the influence of weather conditions, creating pleasant conditions for peaceful sleep even during the journey.
Thanks to this, traveling with CabrioFix i-Size is not only safe, but also full comfort for your child.

Technical data
Weight 3,2 kg
From birth up to approx. 15 months
From 40 to 75 cm
0 - 12 kg

At Maxi-Cosi, we are very proud of our heritage. As the top-selling, innovative car seat brand since 1984, we've been trusted to carry over 50 million babies (and still counting) home from the hospital.
A lot of these babies have been travelling in one of our most iconic & best selling car seat: the CabrioFix (designed in 2003).
As we are continuasly innovating, the time has come for this much-loved product to grow and evolve to the next level; introducing the new CabrioFix i-Size!

Cabriofix I-size is compatible with the following bases:
- Isofix CabrioFix i-Size Base (previously Tinca base)
- Isofix FamilyFix3 base
- Isofix FamilyFix2 base

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